Funny Christmas Jokes For Kids
Funny Christmas Jokes to Brighten Your Day
Are you ready to jingle all the way with laughter? This holiday season, we’ve gathered 100 side-splitting Christmas jokes that are perfect for sharing with family and friends. Whether you’re around the tree, at the dinner table, or just looking for a festive giggle, these jokes are guaranteed to spread holiday cheer.
Top 100 Funny Christmas Jokes For Kids
Grab some eggnog, cozy up by the fire, and get ready to laugh out loud. Here are our favorite jokes with a Christmas twist:
Christmas One-Liners for All Ages
- What’s a snowman’s favorite breakfast? Frosted Flakes!
- Why was the Christmas tree so bad at knitting? It kept dropping its needles!
- What do elves use to take selfies? An “elfie” stick!
- How does a snowman get around? By riding an “icicle”!
- Why don’t penguins fly? Because they’re snow tired!
- What do you get if you cross a Christmas tree with an iPad? A pine-apple!
- Why did Santa go to music school? To improve his wrapping skills!
- What’s a reindeer’s favorite type of weather? Rain, dear!
- How do elves clean their hands? With Santatizer!
- Why don’t Christmas trees sew? They always lose their needles!
- What’s Santa’s favorite type of potato chip? Crisp-mas!
- What’s a snowman’s favorite snack? Ice Krispies Treats!
- Why did the ornament get arrested? For hanging around!
- How does a sheep say “Merry Christmas”? Fleece Navidad!
- What do you call Santa when he stops moving? Santa Pause!
- What’s a cat’s favorite Christmas carol? Fur-elise Navidad!
- Why is it always cold at Christmas? Because it’s Decemberrrr!
- What do you get when you combine a Christmas tree and an iPhone? A pine-apple phone!
- What’s Santa’s favorite candy? Jolly Ranchers!
- Why did the turkey join the band? Because it had the drumsticks!
- What’s a Christmas tree’s least favorite candy? Orna-mints!
- Why did Frosty go to therapy? He had a meltdown!
- How does Santa keep track of all the fireplaces? He keeps a log!
- What do you call an elf who sings? A wrapper!
- Why was the math book sad at Christmas? It had too many problems!
Fun Christmas Jokes for Kids
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Snow who?
Snow time like Christmas to tell a joke!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Holly who?
Holly-days are here again!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Mary who?
Mary Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Elf who?
Elf-t your presents under the tree!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Dough who?
Dough you know it’s Christmas time?
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Jingle who?
Jingle all the way to the party!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Santa who?
Santa Claus is coming to tell you a joke!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Rudolph who?
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, of course!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Frost who?
Frosty the Snowman brought the fun!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Tree who?
Tree-mendous jokes this Christmas!
Festive Family Fun
- Why did the reindeer wear sunglasses? Because it was Christmas lights bright!
- How do you know when Santa’s in the room? You can sense his presents!
- Why do Christmas trees like knitting? It helps them stay needle-y!
- Why don’t elves trust Santa? They think he’s Claus-trophobic!
- What does Santa eat for breakfast? Ho-ho-hos!
- What do you call Santa’s helpers who work for free? Subordinate clauses!
- How do snowmen get around? By “sleigh” rides!
- Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing? They always lose their needles!
- What’s an elf’s favorite type of music? Wrap music!
- Why don’t polar bears get into arguments? They’re all paws and no claws!
- What’s Rudolph’s favorite game? Hide and glow seek!
- Why don’t you ever fight with Santa? He’s got a black belt in wrapping!
- What’s Frosty’s favorite treat? Ice cream sandwiches!
- Why don’t ornaments get into trouble? They like hanging out!
- What’s Santa’s favorite form of karate? Santa-chop!
- How do Christmas trees get online? They log in!
- What do elves learn in school? The elf-abet!
- Why don’t you invite turkeys to Christmas dinner? They’re too stuffed!
- What did one Christmas tree say to the other? Lighten up!
- Why does Santa always come through the chimney? Because it “soots” him!
- Why did the elf put his bed into the fireplace? He wanted to sleep like a log!
- How do you scare a snowman? Bring a hairdryer!
- Why did the gingerbread man go to school? To become a smart cookie!
- What’s Santa’s favorite mode of transportation? The Polar Express!
- What do you call Frosty in the summer? A puddle!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Ice who?
Ice to meet you this Christmas!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Bell who?
Bell-lieve it or not, it’s Christmas!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Wrap who?
Wrap it up—this joke’s a hit!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Sleigh who?
Sleigh, it isn’t so—Christmas is here!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Ginger who?
Ginger-bread some holiday cheer!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Kris who?
Kris-mas is my favorite time of year!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
North who?
North Pole is where Santa lives!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Chimney who?
Chimney down, and let’s celebrate Christmas!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Star who?
Starry night, holy night—Merry Christmas!
Funny Christmas Jokes For Kids
- Why is Santa so good at karate? He has a mean “sleigh”!
- What do you call Santa’s little dog? Santa Paws!
- Why was the candy cane so expensive? It was in mint condition!
- What does a gingerbread man use to fix his house? Icing!
- Why did the elf go to school? To improve his “elf-control”!
- What’s a snowman’s favorite kind of workout? Chill-ups!
- Why do reindeer like Beyoncé? Because she sleighs all day!
- How does Santa relax? He sleighs back!
- Why are elves such good listeners? They’re all ears!
- What do you call an old snowman? Water!
- Why don’t you mess with reindeer? They have some serious antler-tude!
- What’s Santa’s favorite video game? Call of Duty: North Pole Ops!
- Why don’t elves get scared? They have nerves of steel!
- Why did the snowman refuse dessert? He was already stuffed!
- What’s a reindeer’s favorite type of story? Tail-tales!
- Why did Santa cross the road? To get to the toy shop!
- How do elves stay fit? By doing Jingle Bell Rock-cercise!
- What does Santa say to rude kids? “Yule be sorry!”
- What kind of carol is irritating? A Carol-baskin!
- Why was the Christmas tree so happy? It felt pine-tastic!
- What do you call a Christmas wreath made of $100 bills? Aretha Franklin!
- How does Santa stay so jolly? He practices good “claus-care”!
- What do you call a holiday card that sings? A Christmas jingle!
- Why did the Christmas lights break up? They couldn’t “spark” any joy!
- What’s an elf’s favorite type of cookie? Short-bread!
Funny Christmas Jokes for Kids & Adults
- Why did Frosty bring a broom? He wanted a clean getaway!
- What’s the best Christmas present? A broken drum—you can’t beat it!
- Why was the turkey bad at charades? It kept gobbling up the clues!
- What’s Santa’s favorite social media platform? Instanta-gram!
- What do you call a grumpy snowman? A meltdown waiting to happen!
- What do reindeer wear to stay cool? Ice caps!
- Why did the gingerbread man fail his test? He couldn’t stop crumbling!
- Why do Christmas trees love math? They’re great at geometry!
- What’s Santa’s favorite type of sandwich? Peanut butter and jolly!
- How do elves like their eggs? Santa-sized up!
- Why did the reindeer blush? It saw the Claus coming!
- What does Santa call his wife in the kitchen? The Claus chef!
- Why don’t elves play hide and seek? Because they always get elf-spotted!
- What’s Santa’s favorite kind of cereal? Ho-ho-honey Oats!
- Why did Frosty feel left out? Because he had snow friends!
- How do you know Santa is real? You can always sense his presents!
- Why are Christmas trees so forgiving? Because they turn over a new leaf every year!
- What’s Santa’s favorite vegetable? Celery, because it’s stalked by Rudolph!
- How does Santa keep his suit so clean? With Claus-ox bleach!
- Why was the snowflake so rude? It thought it was the coolest!
- Why are elves such bad liars? They’re always under the mistletoe!
- Why did the reindeer bring a pen? Because he wanted to sign Rudolph!
- What do snowmen say before telling a joke? “This will crack you up!”
- How does Santa avoid getting lost? He follows the Star-bucks!
- What do you call a snowman with abs? The Abdominal Snowman!
Can you solve these 50 clever christmas riddles?
Looking for more festive fun? Check out our other pages for Christmas puns, funny holiday quotes, and Santa jokes that will keep the giggles going all season long.